REMEMBER LIBERIA: Don't Push Youths To Take Arms


The Liberian civil war of 1990 to 1996 began like a child's play. The government undermined the power of its youth. It regretted this underestimation there after as millions of its citizens lost their lives and properties were destroyed.

Prior to the war, the youth were subjected to hunger, unemployment and injustice. The government did nothing tangible to change the situation. Then factions began to emerge. As a result, many young people, including children, took arms to kill one another. According to the mothers of child soldiers, some children joined the war because they had no food to eat outside the "bush". ... Many children also took up arms as a form of security, a kind of safety net, while others did so as a result of adult control and/or intimidation, a research shows.

When fellow youths are murdered, other youths naturally seek revenge.

A child soldier on the street of Monrovia

A teenage girl soldier in Liberia during the civil war.

Government soldiers continued to intimidate young people.

Dead bodies litred the streets of Liberia
